• ingrid

Ingrid Spielman Data Scientist and Engineer

Hi there, I'm Ingrid.

I'm currently located in Brooklyn, NY where I've begun working on a series of visualization, modeling, and analytic projects. I'm always trying to open my eyes to the world - In the past I used a microscope to do that and now i use machine learning.

Here I present to you a set of projects I've worked on. If you're ever around, feel free to say hi!


art : makey-makey : hydroponics garden : Johns Hopkins Alumni Website : chess : Startup Weekend : minesweeper : tic-tac-toe : astroids : snake : Blog Posts : Potentiometer Music : Word Keeper : ants : plant identification : music : youtube : flickr : supplements : food


Google Jam : Kaggle : HackerRank : triathlons : SheHack2014 : SheHack2015 : ODSC NYC : Music Hackathon : Startup Weekend 2014